At Yumi, we are very proud of our unique exam practice and preparation classes for B2 and C1 levels in English. The classes are solely focused on developing revision and exam techniques, preparing students for exam day, and practising past paper exams with structure and expert guidance.
Among the many adult schools in Alicante, Yumi Languages offers Spanish courses for foreigners in Alicante, and if you are a foreigner and for whatever reason you are in Spain, there is nothing more recommendable than learning the language of Cervantes.
Read moreWe are now in August, the quintessential month of vacations and travel, mental relaxation and doing nothing... but let's not relax too much, and think a little about the new goals for September. Targets such as expanding English language training to perhaps change your job or career, therefore improving an important aspect of life are impòrtant and popular. You can do this, believe it or not, by signing up for and studying, training and passing the CAMBRIDGE B2 FIRST CERTIFICATE.
Read moreLlega el momento de llevar a la práctica todo lo aprendido con gente de fuera y nos entra el pánico escénico ¿Qué ocurre? ¿Por qué?
Tranquilo, es muy habitual que pase, la falta de práctica en la vida real, la vergüenza propia del principiante, el miedo a equivocarnos, en fin… ¡Se junta todo!
Read morePues con esto de estar en casa, nos han entrado unas ganas locas de meternos entre fogones y sartenes. Compartir durante estos días actividades con los niños, y no hablamos solo de estar pendientes de sus deberes, puede ser una experiencia muy divertida y gratificante para todos.
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